What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an age-old Chinese medical practice in which hair-thin needles, heat & pressure are applied to specific points on the body. Blockages & imbalances in the body’s natural energy chi (or qi) can cause illness or pain. The theory behind acupuncture is that invigorating these points will release, or redirect, the body’s natural energy, and therefore provide periodic relief.
Acupuncture In The Western World
In 1971, an article published in the New York Time’s provided a foundation for acupuncture in the United States. After the release of this article, more and more Americans—and their physicians—found acupuncture to be a useful tool, especially for back and neck pain, osteoarthritis/knee pain, and headaches, including migraines.
Does Acupuncture Work?
The National Institute of Health (NIH) has found that a number of studies suggest acupuncture works particularly well on chronic pain (including back, neck, knee, and tension-related headaches that can lead to migraines), in addition to reducing symptoms of chemotherapy such as nausea and fatigue. Pain relief with acupuncture is attributed to inactivating the source of pain by modulating endorphin levels.
Your Acupuncture Journey
Despite the fact that the procedure is performed by inserting needles into various parts of the body, acupuncture is considered non-invasive and gentle. Many patients will often see their acupuncturist on a regular basis, simply to maintain a feeling of general well being. Some known “side effects” have been cited as better sleep, more energy, mental clarity, better digestion, and less stress. In some cases, acupuncture has been known to trigger fatigue, soreness, bruising, muscle twitching, lightheadedness, and emotional release (crying), however these issues are rare and neither serious nor long lasting.
Finding an acupuncturist you are comfortable with is essential to the overall success of the process. At Central Valley Pain Management we are committed to increasing the overall wellness of our patient’s life, and would be happy to schedule a consultation for you with one of our staff. Please reach out to us for more information about our acupuncture practice, or with any questions!