It is not uncommon for individuals dealing with chronic pain to be referred by their primary physician for biomarker testing. This group of tests, also known as “molecular testing” or “genetic testing”, provides medical professionals with personalized insight on molecular functioning allowing them to make assumptions about a patient’s overall health. Biomarker testing plays an
If you are someone looking to perfect your pain management routine, it might be a good idea to begin researching different nutrients your body needs to help heal itself from the inside. Here are a few of the most essential vitamins your body needs especially if you are someone who suffers from chronic pain or
Central Valley Pain Management has been listed on Three Best Rated as one of the Top 3 Pain Management locations in Modesto, CA! Businesses are rated in categories including Complete Information, Experience, Exact Services, Insurance Acceptance, Website Standards, and Responsiveness. The team at CVPM scored an 8 out of 10, or higher, in all categories.
Acupuncture is an ancient practice that dates all the way back to 2500 BC of inserting micro-needles into a person’s to relieve tension and help balance one’s energy. In this blog, we will be highlighting just five of the many benefits that acupuncture can provide. Headache & Eye Strain Relief In this digital age, ailments
We are pleased to announce that we were selected for the 2019 Best of Modesto Awards in the category of Pain Management Physician. On behalf of the entire Central Valley Pain Management team, we would like to extend our appreciation for this acknowledgement to each of our clients, and the entire CVPM community. We are
We understand many of our patients are considered high risk if they were to contract COVID-19. We are doing everything we can to prevent the spread of the disease to keep you, our employees and medical practitioners safe. We have implemented Telehealth appointments for patients with video and audio capabilities on their devices. Smartphones, tablets
Announcement: CVPM will remain open as long as possible in order to provide care to our patients until further notice. We are diligently taking precautions to protect our staff, medical providers and patients. If you have traveled out of the country in the last 14 days, if you have been in contact with anyone with
Join us on January 8th from 6-7pm and ring in the new year with a class on CBD & Pain Management! The event will take place at Valley Wellness Center located at 1300 Mable Ave, Suite C in Modesto CA, 95355. Presentations will include lectures from Dr. Patrick Rhoades MD and various speakers from The
When your immune system is on high-alert, your body will often go through a process called inflammation to fight any potentially threatening invaders off. In those times that your body needs extra protection, inflammation can actually be beneficial to you. However, inflammation can persist even when your body is not in danger of contracting an
7 Benefits of CBD Pain Management With so many different medications and treatments on the market, it can get overwhelming when it comes to choosing the right one for you. Alternative medicine, such as CBD oil, is becoming more prevalent than ever for treating chronic pain. In this installment of our blog, we will be exploring