Acupuncture is an ancient practice that dates all the way back to 2500 BC of inserting micro-needles into a person’s to relieve tension and help balance one’s energy. In this blog, we will be highlighting just five of the many benefits that acupuncture can provide.
- Headache & Eye Strain Relief
In this digital age, ailments caused by extended screen time are becoming more common than ever. Recent studies have shown that acupuncture can provide a drug-free option to treat pain caused by eye strain and prevent chronic migraines.
- Helps with Pain Management
Acupuncture can help reduce swelling as well as inflammation for those suffering from back pain, neck tension, or joint pain especially in the hands and arms. Aside from being a great addition to any pain management routine, it can also reduce the risk of future injury as well by helping the body relax and recharge.
- Reduces Stress
One of the most common reasons people turn to acupuncture is to help reduce stress. Working to lower anxiety-inducing hormones, Acupuncture can trigger your nervous system to release endorphins which overall result in increased levels of happiness. It has even been proven to help calm jitters, curb cravings, and decrease feelings of irritability. With this being said, it can serve as a natural detox for those looking to quit unhealthy habits such as smoking.
- Helps Control Allergies & Digestive Conditions
Acupuncture can be used in both prevention and treatment of allergies in conjunction with antihistamines. It has also been proven to help those suffering from gastrointestinal conditions by helping regulate the digestive system.
- Provides Energy & Peace of Mind in the Process
In addition to all of the benefits listed above, acupuncture can also provide improved quality of sleep and combat sleep disorders such as insomnia. By resting both body, mind, and spirit, acupuncture patients report having higher levels of energy and enhanced mental clarity.
If you have more questions regarding if acupuncture is right for you, feel free to contact us!